Year 5 of Living in New York City

This month marks my FIVE year anniversary of living in New York City. On October 9th, 2014, I was sitting in a packed SUV of my belongings en route to New York to begin a new chapter. As my best friend, my Mom and I drove those very long 16 hours, I remember having so many emotions. At 3am October 10th, 2014, I crossed over the George Washington Bridge in Manhattan and I knew then, everything was about to change.

Honestly, when I moved here, I only set out to live here for a year. And then without hesitation each year turned into the next. The fact that I actually get to call this city (home), is still very surreal to me. New York is one of those cities that will change you from the moment you arrive. For me, it’s been by far the best decision I’ve ever made. I can honestly say that I have never had a moment of regret being here. I know New York City isn’t for everyone and I respect that. But for many of us, we feel most alive here. And even in New York’s chaos, there is so much beauty within.

In celebration of my 5 year anniversary, I enlisted the help of my friend and photographer Lauren Lucile and did the most EXTRA photoshoot in the middle of Central Park. My vision was really just to portray the love affair that I have with New York City.

Photography by Lauren Lucile Creative

Photography by Lauren Lucile Creative


A few thoughts on living in New York City:

  • You will constantly find yourself evolving here. Change is inevitable in the city, so you just learn to adapt as you go.

  • You eventually learn to live with less, especially living in a smaller space. I honestly don’t miss most of my stuff. In fact, 75% of everything I own is still in storage in Atlanta.

  • Friendships can be hard here. It took me awhile to have a solid group of core people I see regularly. Everyone is always busy, not to mention all going in different directions.

  • Speaking of friends, I definitely miss my closest girlfriends back in Atlanta! But luckily, our friendships have all stood the test of time and distance. In most cases, it actually has brought us closer together.

  • Everyone will want to visit you in NYC. I remember the first three years being non-stop with friends and family in town. But I loved every minute of it. There is something so special about seeing New York City through someone elses eyes for the first time.

  • Walking around the city and looking up at the skyline and bright lights still gives me all the feels. The energy here is something you have to experience for yourself in order to truly appreciate the magic of it.

  • I miss having a dishwasher & washer and dryer in my apartment. But honestly, you just learn to live without those luxuries. I’ve gotten really good at doing laundry often to keep the piles small and I usually wash dishes as I cook to lessen the aftermath.

  • YES! The city is ridiculously expensive. I mean, cocktails will set you back $14-$18 at most places. But it’s a small price to pay to have some of the best restaurants and entertainment all at your disposal.

  • Living with roommates is the norm here. Even in your 30’s. Unless you can afford to dish out $2,000-$3,000 in rent alone. Luckily I have the luxury of living with two of my best friends, so it feels more like family.

  • Although New York is home to millions of people, it can sometimes feel incredibly lonely. It’s important to remind yourself that you’re not alone and everyone has tough days here.

  • I feel like I’ve learned to enjoy my own company more and do things SOLO that I wouldn’t have necessarily done before living here. Some of my best memories over the years, have been times that I’ve explored the city on my own. Nobody even thinks twice about someone sitting at a bar, coffee shop or park alone. It’s actually kinda nice to be alone sometimes and take in the city.

  • You will forever be asked by people: “WHY DO YOU LIVE IN NEW YORK?!” And my reply: “Because New York City is the first place I’ve ever lived that has made me feel more like me than ever before. Also, I always look forward to returning no matter how often I leave.”


Honestly, I don’t know if New York will be my forever home, but I know that it feels like home for now. And I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store for me. Cheers to another year in the BIG APPLE!








20 things about living in NYC

After living in New York City for 4.5 years now, I  have learned a thing or two when it comes to everyday life in the city. Overall, I’ve had pretty good luck here. But that’s not to say that there hasn’t been hard days in between. Living in New York City requires you to accept the good with the bad.  And honestly, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Prior to moving to New York City, I read countless articles and blogs about what to expect when living in the city. And I even got some advice from my best friend. Although I did find some of my research to be helpful. It’s one of those things where some people will only share the lows living in New York and others will ONLY share the highs. But the reality is, nothing can prepare you more than experiencing it for yourself.

So, if you’re considering making the move to NYC, or maybe just curious about what it’s REALLY like to call this city home. Here is some insight on living in New York City. 

Photography by: Lauren Lucile Creative

Photography by: Lauren Lucile Creative

  1. Your apartment will NOT be like the ones you’ve seen on tv shows. It will be small, very small. Think full size bed up against a wall, small. 

  2. You will always be running 15 mins late. Train traffic is a real thing.

  3. During your commute, you’ll learn how to master walking, texting & eating a meal all at the same time. You will master ‘on the go’ life.

  4. Everyday is an adventure on the Subway. Whether it’s a homeless person begging for money, Showtime performers or drunk people yelling at you. Honestly, some days you don’t even notice it as much.

  5. Summer in the city is hot, humid and sometimes smelly. But we embrace it anyway because we have waterfront views, rooftop cocktails and beaches galore to cool off at.

  6. Even in a city of 8.6 million people, there will often be times you feel extremely lonely and isolated. Everyone experiences this at some point and time.

  7. You will fall in love with the city over and over again when you least expect it.

  8. Doing your laundry is no longer a luxury, but rather a chore. And requires lots of quarters. 

  9. Living in a walk-up apartment is fine until you have to go grocery shopping or carry your laundry, or move In/Out. Actually it’s not fine, it’s a lot of stairs and heavy breathing mostly.

  10. You will cry on the Subway at least once. Some people will even say that you’re NOT a real New Yorker until this happens.

  11. You’ll know you’ve made it when you have an elevator, doorman and laundry in your building.

  12. Dating in New York is like playing the lottery. But hey, just think of all the fun stories you can tell your friends and FREE drinks you can consume.

  13. Nothing will get you more excited than finding out the NEW Trader Joe’s is opening up in your neighborhood.

  14. Friendships are harder to maintain in the city and often revolve around meeting up for brunch or cocktails. Everyone is constantly busy, therefore it takes a little more effort to hang out in person regularly. 

  15. You will jump at the opportunity to escape the city at any given chance. However, you will be even more excited to return.

  16. Friends and family will frequently give their unsolicited opinion on how they could NEVER live in New York City. But you better believe they will want to stay with you when they come to visit.

  17. The Subway is the best way to get around New York. Unless it’s late night, spend the extra money on the cab or Uber.

  18. In New York, it’s all about WHO you know. Never turn down an opportunity to network or meet new people. You never know when you might need to utilize that contact.

  19. Only in New York, can you feel like you’ve traveled the world by just visiting a new neighborhood or a different borough.

  20. NYC will constantly remind you just how expensive it is to live here. (Hello ridiculous rent, overpriced cocktails and expensive groceries) But you’ll do it anyway. Why?! Because you live in the greatest city of all, that’s why.

Photography by: Lauren Lucile Creative

Photography by: Lauren Lucile Creative

Photography by: Lauren Lucile Creative

Photography by: Lauren Lucile Creative

I hope this helps gives a little more insight on everyday life in the city. Living in New York really is an experience like non other. Even on the hard days, you’ll look up at the skyline and immediately feel like it’s all worth it, just to call this place home. 

 "Once you have lived in New York and it has become your home, no place else is good enough." — John Steinbeck

XO, Dana Rae

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On October 10th, 2014 at 3 A.M., I crossed over the George Washington Bridge and into Manhattan. Moving to New York was never something I saw myself doing, but when life brings you opportunities, sometimes you have to take it and RUN! It's hard to even believe that it's been 2 years already. I still feel like I just moved here but also strangely feel like I've been here forever. That's the thing about New York, once you live here you instantly become attached. My first year living in New York was one to remember. It was full of amazing experiences and growth. And year two has been just as memorable. Here are some of my favorite memories over the past year. 



Seeing all of New York City from 86 floors up above, gives you all the feels. It also, gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “Empire State of Mind”. It reminded me how lucky I am to be able to call this concrete jungle, home. 


This Summer, my brother visited NYC for the very first time. I was excited to get to show him around the city. But I also wanted to show him life outside of Manhattan. And Brooklyn is the next best borough. We first walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, then grabbed pizza at Grimaldi's (best pizza in Brooklyn) and finished the day drinking beers at the Brooklyn Brewery. By far, one of my most favorite days.


The moment I learned that Heather Headley would be taking on the role of Shug, I knew I had to see this show. And what better show to take your Mom to during a girls weekend?! It was one of the best shows I have seen thus far. After the show, I pulled my Mom quickly aside and stood to wait for the cast outside. We got to have our playbills signed by all of the main cast including Heather Headley and Cynthia Erivo. I was freaking out (on the inside of course). Sharing that moment with my Mom was amazing. 


I may have had to wake up at 4:30 A.M. to only stand in the back of the crowd behind a street light pole. But to hear Alicia Keys sing LIVE made all of it worth it. Not to mention, I got to share the moment with my best friend. We bonded over Alicia Keys music over a decade ago, when we first met and I'm pretty sure we will dance to 'No One' one day at my wedding. 


That dinner, those words and the tears shed will always be a night to remember. I can't wait to help plan their wedding and stand next to my best friend as he says 'I Do'.  Love is Love. 


Moving to a new city means meeting new friends. And although there are millions of people here, it almost makes it harder. Everyone is busy with work and the city hustle, so it's not often you find long lasting friendships. But I have been lucky to meet some amazing people and I am so glad I get to call them friends.

I never could have imagined all the things that would come with living in New York City. Every day still feels as exciting as the next. I can't wait to see what the next 365 days bring!


XO, Rae


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It's no secret that New York City is the one of the greatest cities in the world. Many consider it a right of passage to live here. Besides walking amongst the bright lights and concrete jungle. Here are some more reasons why living in New York City is AMAZING. 



Even if you're like me and don't really love to work out. You really won't have a choice living in New York. Chances are high that you will live in a walk up building. Meaning, you could climb five to six flights of stairs every day. Thank you pre-war buildings. I've been doing this for over a year now and I have to say my legs and butt have never looked better. And if you do love working out well, your in luck. Stairs are everywhere, restaurants, subway stations, grocery stores etc... 

Plus, Walking everywhere does keep you active and encourages you to be more fit. And it's a great excuse to wear yoga pants out in public. 



drinking tv scandal abc olivia pope

When you're at home sick and can barely get out of bed or there is 3ft. of snow on the ground and you have to put on six layers of clothes just to go outside. Delivery comes to the rescue. Of course with Seamless you can order great food. There is also delivery for groceries. Have you ever had to carry groceries up 5 flights of stairs?! Yeah, this is why New Yorkers love delivery. And when you've had a bad day at work and only want to come home to a glass of wine and Scandal. But then discover your roommate drank the last of the bottle. You phone your favorite liquor store to order a bottle of wine STAT. YES! Wine delivers to your doorstep. 

I bet Olivia Pope couldn't make that happen. Okay, so she probably could. But you get my point. 



Nothing is more exhausting and aggravating than spending hours in the car sitting in traffic. Trust me I know. I lived in Atlanta for 11 years, one of the worst cities to commute in. So living in New York now and having a Subway station every few blocks is amazing. Sure there is such a thing as "train traffic". No, seriously. And yes there are occasional train delays and trains re-routed. But after a long day all I have to do is grab a seat and enjoy the ride. You honestly have more down time in your day to read a book, catch up with a friend, prep for that upcoming interview or listen to music. It's nice to not have to worry about parking or which hwy to avoid during rush hour. Best of all, you never have to be the designated driver in your group of friends. So ultimately, you can have that last cocktail and no one will judge you. 



There is endless amounts of things to do from Central Park, Concerts, Movies in the park, Festivals, Broadway shows, Rooftop happy hours, Art exhibits, Museums and tons more. And not to mention you have 5 boroughs you can visit and explore. Also, each new season brings a new agenda of events throughout the city/state. Boredom is not an option here. 



Everyday you get to be surrounded by millions of people in the city. Some may think that this just sounds crowded. But you never know who you may come in contact with on a daily basis. Whether it be a random stranger giving up their seat for you on the subway or an encounter with a celebrity. New Yorkers are known for being loyal to each other and to the city itself. And I have witnessed that first hand. It's always inspiring to see how people in the city never seem to meet a stranger and hustle harder than anyone. 

New York City is no doubt one of the toughest places to live, however there are so many amazing reasons why it is one of the best places to live. So, if you ever have the urge to move to New York City, DO IT! I promise you won't regret it. 


XO, Rae


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I recently celebrated my 1 year anniversary of living in New York City. October 10th, 2014 at 3 am is when I officially became a resident of New York. As I drove over the George Washington Bridge into Manhattan, there were so many emotions. Mostly I remember feeling excited for what was to come with living in New York. There I was in a packed SUV with my best friend & my Mom. After 16+ hours of driving up the east coast, I was anxious to get to my new apartment. We pulled up shortly after 3 am and made the decision to go ahead and unload the SUV. 

My first dose of NYC apartment living was carrying boxes up five flights of stairs. I think I cursed most of the way up and down.

 After about an hour we finally had everything unloaded and into the apartment. I had seen the apartment in photos prior to moving but seeing my bedroom in person, it was even smaller than I remembered. I was unsure if any of my things would fit and wondered how could I live in such a small space. I mean here I was literally downsizing to a small bedroom barely big enough for a full size bed from my spacious 900+ sq. ft apartment in Atlanta. I started to break down. There it was, all the months of preparation of moving, leaving my job, leaving all of my friends & my life behind in Atlanta along with being cooped up in a car for 16+ hours all hit me at that exact moment. I remember I just slid down the wall as the tears ran down my face and I began to question everything. This went on for about an hour. Everyone was nice or maybe smart enough to just let me be alone for awhile. I finally pulled myself together and came out of my room, walked into my best friends bedroom where he, his boyfriend and my mom were all siting there drinking wine. My eyes all swollen from crying, I smiled and asked for a glass for myself. 

So there we sat until after 6am drinking wine and laughing at my meltdown. I knew in that moment, that everything would be okay. I just needed to release all of the emotions that had been building over the months prior to moving.

I look back on that day now and I think how happy I am that I embarked on this journey of moving to New York. 

Living in New York has been exhilarating. It hasn't been perfect by any means but pretty darn close. The energy you feel here never wears off. That's what I love most about this city. You always feel inspired here. Each day is something different and to be in awe of. I can't describe it in words, you have to feel it for yourself. I hope that feeling never goes away. This past year has also had many unexpected moments. I landed an amazing job when I first got here and then quit after 6 months, I started a blog about my life and have taken the time to rediscover myself. The Subway once terrified me, now I'm the one getting asked for directions. I can hail a cab even in the rain. And I have even learned how to dress like a New Yorker. So many changes have happened in just a year but in a strange way, I feel it was all meant to be. 

I could not have made it through the past year without the support of my amazing friends and family. 

To my Grandfather, who without him I would not have been strong enough to make the decision to move to NYC and make this life change. He inspired me to live a life with NO REGRETS. And to him, I will always be grateful for instilling that in me. I miss you everyday Granddaddy and I hope I’m making you proud. 

To my Mother, who is always by biggest supporter in life. She never tells me my dreams are too big or too crazy. I owe her everything for always being there for me. I love you MOM!

To my brother and my Dad, Thank you for believing in me and telling me how proud you are. It means more than you will ever know. I love you both!

To my best friend Lindsey, thank you for taking my calls on good days and bad days. Most of all, thank you for not letting distance change our friendship. I am so lucky to have you as my friend. 

To Danny, Thank you for taking a chance on living with your boyfriend's best friend after have only meeting me once in person. Thank you for being there on days I needed it most. I am so glad we have become friends over the past year.

To my best friend Will, it was YOU who convinced me over the course of 5 years to move to New York. You knew way before I did that I would love it here. Thank you for always pushing me in life and always being there. I can't imagine my life without you. In the end, its always you & I.

To all of my friends and family who have encouraged me on this journey, who have called, sent cards, letters or just been there for me. Thank you!! Nothing in life is worth having if you can't share it with the people you love most.  

I knew moving to New York would change my life. I just didn't know how. And I'm so glad it did. I am not the same person I was 12 months ago. I feel more confident, more open to change and more willing to let life take me where I am meant to be. My friends tell me how happy I sound on the phone, so I guess it shows. Anything is possible if you let it be. Don't be afraid to make a life change. It could just be exactly what you need. Thank you New York for an incredible first year. I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for me. 


XO, Rae


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Before I moved to New York, I read countless websites, blogs, and Buzzfeed articles. I did a lot of research in the months leading up to my move. Mostly articles on "What to expect when moving to New York", "Things to know before moving to New York" and "Things you need when living in New York." You get the idea.

I was determined to prepare myself the best way possible. I wanted to come here and succeed but also be realistic. I knew New York was not going to be an easy move so I wanted to read up on everything that  I could find before the big day.

Now that I live here, I feel like I know a lot more of what the reality IS. I did find that I learned some useful tips in my online research, however the advice I received from my best friend, Will, was probably the most honest and helpful to me. He told me that I could plan all I wanted, but that it really comes down to this, "YOU HAVE TO WANT TO BE HERE". Those 7 words have stuck with me EVER SINCE. And it's the truest of anything I read or was told about living in New York. Here's the thing, there are tons of people who move to New York every day. And there are tons of reasons why they move to New York. But if you truly want to be here, you've already separated yourself from those who just move here on hopes and dreams. New York is tough. So, the key is asking yourself, "Why do I want to be here?"


What's the best advice you've received before making a big move?  


XO, Rae


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Moving to New York has been by far the best decision I have ever made. Well...I say that NOW, maybe I should wait til I have lived here for at least a year?! Moving here was not always part of my plan but life changes sometimes and here I am.

Up until 7 months ago, I was living in Atlanta, Ga. I had a great job, amazing friends and a gorgeous apartment right outside of the city. So what changed?! Well...I changed. Two and half years ago, before turning 30, I began to see my life differently unlike before. I was a few years out of a long term relationship that was on again off again for longer than I like to admit to.

When I was with my ex, I was so sure of my life, my career and wanting to be married and have kids. I had always thought that I would be married and have kids before 30. I think most women feel the pressure of this for all sorts of reasons. But turning 30 was a game changer for me. I stopped worrying about where I was in life and started to focus on where I was going in life. For me, I was so worried about trying to have this list of accomplishments by the time I turned 30 and then realized that my life was just starting. I let go of my preconceived ideas and I let myself be. I actually came to New York to visit my best friend Will (who I live with now) and celebrate my 30th Birthday.

I had no idea that almost 2 years later I would be moving to New York. Will had been trying to get me to move to New York for a few years. I would nicely say to him "maybe" but really knowing in the back of my mind that I had no intentions of moving. (He knew that as well but he still tried to convince me). At that time I was still content with my life in Atlanta and was ready to see what 30 had to offer. I would visit New York a few more times after my 30th Birthday, falling more in love with the city more each time. And then after a major loss in my life, I soon realized that maybe New York wasn't a bad idea after all.

My Grandfather passed away last year May 24th, 2014. A day that I will never forget. He was an amazing man. He traveled the world, had a very successful career and made a name for himself. He was known by a rare nickname and was the life of the party. Shortly before his passing, I had told him about the possibility of me moving to NY. He was surprisingly very excited for me. He traveled to NY often throughout his life and had nothing but great things to say and stories to tell about his trips here. I was still unsure myself if I would actually go through with it but when he passed, I knew I had to do it. Not just for him, but for me. His passing changed my life in more ways than one. But mostly he had always instilled in me to never have regrets in life. He lived life so passionately and I wanted to do the same. So, fast forward to October 2014, I packed up an SUV full of clothes and boxes with my Mom and my best friend. After 16 hours traveled up the east coast, at 3AM October 10th, 2014, I officially became a New Yorker. 

Can't wait to share this journey with you. 


XO, Rae