10 Ways to be Productive on a Sunday

Photo by Rizky Subagja on Unsplash

Note: This article was originally written by me, as a contributor article for AdviceFromAThirtySomething.com and published Sept. 2019. However, that website is no longer live. Therefore I am publishing an edited version of the article here on my blog, ReinventingRae.com

I love a good Sunday Funday. However, the older I’ve gotten, I find that I prefer to take time in between the fun to prepare for the week ahead. I’m sure we all have experienced having spent a few Mondays playing catch up, rather than actually getting anything productive done. So instead of dreading a new week ahead of responsibilities, I’ve started making my Sunday’s a little bit more productive. Which ultimately has  helped me to take on each week with a more positive attitude. 

Here are some things you can incorporate into your Sunday routine to feel better prepared and get ahead of the week. 


    I always find that if I plan my week ahead and write everything out on paper (or digital planner), my week tends to feel less chaotic. I usually take 30 minutes on Sunday to fill in my calendar including appointments, deadlines, errands, phone calls and any other miscellaneous daily tasks. Get creative; color code tasks,  leave a space to journal your thoughts or write out your favorite quote to give some inspo during the week.  


    After I write everything out in my planner, I’ll go through my list of daily tasks and projects to accomplish for the week and prioritize them all. This can look different for everyone, but generally I like to list my top three tasks for each day and top three goals for the week overall. This helps me stay focused throughout the week while also working through the rest of my daily tasks.


    I’m usually not a morning person unless I set an alarm ahead of time to force myself to wake up early. Setting your alarm for the same time each day is key especially if you want to schedule in some gym time or a few extra minutes to grab a coffee on the way to work. Even though early mornings aren’t my favorite, I do feel more accomplished getting that extra hour or two ahead ahead of my day.


    There is nothing worse than scrambling in the morning trying to find an outfit to wear. Laying out your clothes the night before can help you feel more confident and prepared for the next day. It may take up a bit of your time initially, but it will be one less thing that you have to stress over while your half-awake in the morning. Even if this just means doing your laundry on Sundays, to ensure you have clean clothes for the week.


    Try setting a timer 15 or 30 minutes and use that time to clean up around your home. Pick up any clothes lying around, put fresh sheets on your bed, clean any dishes in the sink, clear any clutter on your counters (anything that you can tackle quickly that will help you feel more relaxed and organized). You can even go a step further and tackle an organizing project you may have been putting off lately.


    Sundays are a great day to do self care. Whether that looks like grabbing coffee with a friend, taking a workout class, getting a mani + pedi or just taking an hour to read a book. Self care is so important for our well being. And taking the time to care for ourselves can often help us feel our best.


    Life gets busy and plans can change in a moments notice. So I always like to reach out to friends to confirm any happy hours, dinner dates or concerts a few days ahead. This way if plans change, I know ahead of time and have the option to make other plans without feeling stressed last minute. And if plans are confirmed, I have something fun to look forward to in the midst of my busy week.


    It’s easy to get caught up during a busy week and end up surviving off of wine and take-out. To avoid this, I like to make a trip to Trader Joe’s so that I can stock up on the essentials and also plan my meals ahead of time. Not only do I save money, but I also feel better eating healthier throughout the week.


    We are all guilty of scrolling our phones for hours on end. Sometimes it’s nice to just put our phones away and take a break. Even just taking 24 hours off social media can be a great way to refresh before a new week ahead.

  10. REST & RELAX

    Lazy Sundays are THE BEST! The kind of day where you sleep in, drink coffee in bed and binge watch Real Housewives or Netflix movies all day. A day to fully relax and recharge with no plans in sight.

What are some things you like to do on Sunday to be more prepared for the week ahead? Comment below.

XO, Dana Rae


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Happy New Year, y’all! After taking a few weeks off from the blog to travel and enjoy the holidays, it feels good to be writing again. 2019 is off to a great start already and I’m excited to share all the NEW content that I’ve been working on. Anyone else just love the fresh start of a NEW YEAR?! It’s like we get 365 chances to get it right this time if last year didn’t go as planned.

So let’s recap 2018, shall we?!

2018…..was a year of growth and complacency. Which I know is odd to have both of those terms together. So let me explain. After living in New York City for 4 years, I found myself settled in and definitely started to become complacent with things in my life. The first few years here were filled with so many changes personally and professionally, constant friends and family visiting, constant travel and experiences. And then 2018 arrived and it was complete opposite. Less hecticness, less friends & family visiting, less travel and less going on in general. I spent the first 6 months of 2018 battling unresolved issues from the year prior including depression. And it was definitely showing up in my daily life. I was feeling complacent, unmotivated and lost as to what to do next?! So in late May, I made the decision to seek out professional help and see a therapist. Looking back, I should have started the process sooner, but I kept pushing it off due to fear of cost since I’m uninsured.  Luckily, I had seen an ad for My Wellbeing, an online resource to help aid in finding a therapist in the New York area. And they offered self pay rates for services.  So after filling out an online survey, I received an email from My Wellbeing, which included two names of therapists in my area, along with their contact info and bios. I was surprised how easy the process was and I immediately felt eager to reach out to the first contact given. After two phone interviews with potential therapists, I selected the one I felt was best for me and scheduled my first appointment for June 6th. And from there I went every Monday for the first few months and then went a few times a month after that. It was hard to walk in that therapist office each Monday and unpack all the things I had placed deep down. To air out my dirty laundry, my fears, my weaknesses, my struggles, my personal relationships and everything in between. But I did it, one session at a time. Some days I would leave there feeling great and other days I left feeling wrecked while wiping away the mascara running down my face. But that’s the thing about therapy, YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK. You have to show up every time willing to unpack all the mess, pain and the past in order to work towards a better version of your self and future. And I can tell you this,  I’m so glad I did the work. I even took a break for most of November and all of December because I found myself stronger after receiving the tools I needed. And it was a good test for me to continue to do the work on my own and push through no matter what life brought my way. So that’s where the growth came from in 2018. I pushed through and faced the things I neglected for so long. And even though there were plenty of lows in 2018, there were also lots of highs.  I got to stand by my best friend while he married his best friend. I found strength in friendships. I had some incredible experiences in the city with new and old friends.  I celebrated my 36th Birthday and my 4th year of living in NYC. And I fell even more in love with the city itself.

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2019 is no doubt going to be a year filled with new beginnings + big decisions.  And I’m excited to take it all on and make it a year to remember.

A few resolutions I have:

-Cook more often. A passion I have developed.

-Be more intentional with time.

-Be more consistent with daily habits (working out/ skincare routine /reading books)

-Find my voice more with my Blog and Social Media. (More action & Less comparison)

-Step out of my comfort zone more.

-Grow the Blog & make changes for longterm goals.

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A few things I’m looking forward to:

-Enjoying the last year living with two of my best friends.

-My friend Brooke’s wedding and traveling to Montana for the first time. Send any recs my way!

-Starting new passion projects.

-Traveling more

-Continuing my journey of self love, acceptance and self improvement.

Wishing you all an AMAZING year filled with new possibilities! And excited for what’s to come in 2019!

Thank you all for being here and allowing me to share my life lessons and journey with you! It means more than you can imagine.

XO, Rae



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At some point in our lives, we all have fallen victim to the comparison trap. Myself included. Whether it be in our careers, personal life or even with friends. And now days with social media, comparing ourselves to others has become easier now more than ever. It's easy to scroll through Instagram and feel like our lives don't look as glamorous as others and even feel like we don't have it all together. But it's important to know that social media is often a highlight reel. And that we all have REAL lives outside of those pretty curated feeds. Here are a few things to remember the next time you find yourself comparing your life to others.


Everyone has a story.

We all have baggage. We all have ups & downs. We all have hopes & dreams. Which means we all have a past, present and future. And just because other people don't always put their baggage out there, it doesn't mean that it doesn’t exist. Sometimes it's easier to only put the shiny pretty things in our life on display. But let's be for real, we all have days where life looks more like a hot mess than a pretty mess. Everyone's story is different, as it should be.  


Others success isn't always what it seems. 

Maybe they struggled for years before finding success. Maybe they worked really hard. Maybe they just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Or maybe they had a ton of help along the way to get where they are. The truth is, you don't always know how others got to be where they are now. And for that reason alone, you shouldn't compare your beginning to what could be their middle or end result.


Find your OWN voice. 

The more you compare yourself to others and admire their traits, the more you may actually start doing things they would do. And not necessarily what is true to you and your character. Be authentically YOU even if you feel like it's not the norm. People look to those who are authentically themselves. Going against the grain is far better than trying to always fit in with everyone else.


Nobody has it all figured out.

It’s easy to feel like everyone around us has it all figured out, but the truth is nobody does really. Some are just better at faking it than others. Perception doesn’t necessarily mean its reality. We've all been exhausted, overwhelmed, overworked and stressed out at some point in our lives. And we're basically just trying to figure it all out along the way. Nobody has all the answers, so don't put so much pressure on yourself to do the same. 


How do you deal with comparison?! I’d love to hear your thoughts. Comment below.


XO, Dana Rae


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We are all subject to falling into a funk from time to time. Because well...life happens. Maybe you feel stuck in a rut, overwhelmed, burnt-out or even unmotivated in everyday tasks. It's easy to loose ourselves in the process of trying to keep up with it all. Our jobs, friendships, relationships, family, social calendars and everything in between. 

Life can be hectic and chances are, it's not slowing down anytime soon. So the next time you find yourself in a funk, here are 5 ways you can pull yourself out and get back to living your life. 



I know that your comfy bed & a pint of Ben & Jerry's is tempting when you’re feeling down and out. And it's easy to just want to seclude yourself from the rest of the world. But fresh air can do wonders. Even if you have to force yourself....GET UP, GET DRESSED & GET OUT of the house. Go for a walk/run or just put your bare feet in the grass. It’s actually called grounding and you can read more about it here. My friend Jackie swears by this and I've tried it, and IT WORKS! 



Not that buying things is the way to solve your problems or that you have to spend money on yourself every time you fall into a slump. But IF it makes you feel better and you can afford it, DO IT! Take yourself out for coffee, splurge on a new piece of clothing or pamper yourself with a mani + pedi. If you want a more budget friendly option, you could have an at home spa day. Taking time out for YOU, can help boost your mood and help take your mind off of things. 



We all get by with a little help from our friends, am I right?! So, why not lean on them when you need them the most. Your real friends will understand that there are times you may just need to vent and have a listening ear. Sometimes just talking about what's going on in our life helps us to feel better and less alone. And often our friends struggle with similar things as us. The more you open up to the people around you, the more you will create an open dialogue. And who better than your closest friends to give you advice and help you through the difficult stuff. 



Now days we have this notion that we can only share the "perfect" things in our life on social media. But people don't want nor expect your life to be 'PERFECT 24/7'. Life can be complicated at times. And sometimes it's okay to share that. I personally feel relieved when seeing other people open up on social media, that they are struggling with something in their life. Why?! Because it means that they are just like me, human. And it actually makes you more relatable to others. We tend to get caught up with only posting pretty squares on Instagram. But people want to see the real YOU. I promise you'll be surprised by the kindness of strangers. 



Self care is the best care. Schedule a day for just YOU. Take a personal day from work, cancel any meetings, unplug from social media, leave your inbox as is and turn your phone off. The laundry can stay in a pile on the floor for one more day, emails can wait and work will still be there tomorrow. Allow yourself 24 hours to do NOTHING. You can binge watch Netflix and not have to change out of your pajamas if you see fit. Pants optional. When it all feels like too much, give yourself the chance to recharge. 


What do you find helpful when trying to pull yourself out of a funk?! Comment below. 


XO, Rae